Friday, October 8, 2010

EM story

He, She and them are visible people.
with moderate strength (energy), they tend to show their ability in front of people ...
em .. not bad .. show off is a good thing also .. at least they show their true colours and willing to share with others ...
ROYGBIV ?? which one is yours?

another type of people, radio-men and micro-women ..
with low strength, yet they are humble ..
They will not exaggerate about their skills or knowledge..
On the other hand, they tend to hide themselves from people, making them invisible..
em .. not saying that keep a low profile is bad, but they still have to mingle well with people, learn from others to live a happy life right? so, make yourself visible ...

I guess the most awesome type of people are X-men and gamma-women ..
with extraordinary strength, yet they keep a low profile ..
humble, smart, often suprise people out of expectation ..
you might think that they are ordinary, yet they have their own strength which is stronger than you ...
this is the personality that I admire the most ..

I believe that our personalities are all lie extreme on a continuum ...
we have visible, radio, and also X-strength ..

I believe that everyone has his or her own X-gene or gamma-gene ..
Everyone definitely has his or her unique gifted strength which is not shown off ...
so called hidden talent or hidden capability ..
maybe you are not good in studying, you maybe excel in drawing or dancing?
maybe you are not good in cooking, you maybe a good gastronomist?
maybe you are not good in analyse information, you maybe pro in searching information?
You maybe haven't discoverd your hidden strength, so try .. Try every new thing around you to discover them, make them visible and share with others ..

so, don't judge people based on the visible light that your eyes see, try to understand more then you will get to know the X-strength or gamma-strength that hidden inside their core ..
After that, learn humbly from them like radio-men and micro-women ..
get improved ..

Another situation ..
In the world of love..
At first, you are attracted to him or her by the visible appearence ..
this is important also as you cannot face a person that you don't like his or her appearence for the whole life (if you are finding a permanent partner)..
then, you will discover the X-strength and also radio-strength hidden in them ..
admire their X-strength and tolerate with their radio-strength ..
also, show your X-strength and reduce your radio-strength ..
after all, after understand each other comprehensively, everything between you and your partner will become visible .. only in your eyes ... this is so called soulmate?? =D

As a conclusion, learn from X-men and gamma-women ..
being humble like radio-men and micro-women but don't hide yourself from people ..
make yourself visible and share your knowledge with others ..

just my opinion .. =D

spotted the notes that I made about this in my notebook ytd..
guess that this is what I do during physics class ..
jot down the idea..
and share ..

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